Parsa Mahmoudieh Zero Shot Reward Specification via Grounded Natural Language 2022

[TOC] Title: Zero Shot Reward Specification via Grounded Natural Language Author: Parsa Mahnoudieh et. al. Publish Year: PMLR 2022 Review Date: Sun, Jan 28, 2024 url: Summary of paper Motivation reward signals in RL are expensive to design and often require access to the true state. common alternatives are usually demonstrations or goal images which can be label intensive on the other hand, text descriptions provide a general low-effect way of communicating. previous work rely on true state or labelled expert demonstration match, this work directly use CLIP to convert the observation to semantic embeddings Contribution Some key terms Difference ...

January 28, 2024 · 3 min · 538 words · Sukai Huang

Xin_wang Reinforced Cross Modal Matching and Self Supervised Imitation Learning for Vision Language Navigation 2019

[TOC] Title: Reinforced Cross Modal Matching and Self Supervised Imitation Learning for Vision Language Navigation 2019 Author: Xin Wang et. al. Publish Year: Review Date: Wed, Jan 18, 2023 Summary of paper Motivation Visual Language Navigation (VLN) presents some unique challenges first, reasoning over images and natural language instructions can be difficult. secondly, except for strictly following expert demonstrations, the feedback is rather coarse, since the “Success” feedback is provided only when the agent reaches a target position (sparse reward) A good “instruction following” trajectory may ended up just stop before you reaching the goal state and then receive zero rewards. existing work suffer from generalisation problem. (need to retrain the agent in new environment) Implementation agent can infer which sub-instruction to focus on and where to look at. (automatic splitting long instruction) with a matching critic that evaluates an executed path by the probability of reconstructing the original instruction from the executed path. P(original instruction | past trajectory) cycle reconstruction: we have P(target trajectory | the instruction) = 1, and we want to measure P(original instruction | past trajectory) this will enhance the interpretability as now you understand how the robot was thinking about

January 18, 2023 · 1 min · 195 words · Sukai Huang