Thang_m_pham Out of Order How Important Is the Sequential Order of Words in a Sentence in Natural Language Understanding Tasks 2021
[TOC] Title: Out of Order: How Important Is The Sequential Order of Words in a Sentence in Natural Language Understanding Tasks? Author: Thang M. Pham Publish Year: Jul 2021 Review Date: Feb 2022 Summary of paper The author found out that BERT-based models trained on GLUE have low sensitivity to word orders. The research questions are the following Do BERT-based models trained on GLUE care about the order of words in a sentence? ANS: NO, except one task named CoLA, which is to detecting grammatically incorrect sentences. Surprisingly, for the rest of the 5 out of 6 binary-classification tasks (i.e. except CoLA), between75% and 90% of the originally correct predictions remain constant after 1-grams are randomly re-ordered Are SOTA BERT-based models using word order information when solving NLU tasks? If not, what cues do they rely on? ANS: they heavily rely on the word itself rather than the ordering. The results showed that if the top - 1 most important word measured by LIME has a positive meaning, then there is 100% probability that the sentence’s label is “positive” Results ...