1. Title: DiffCSE: Difference Based Contrastive Learning for Sentence Embeddings
  2. Author: Yung-Sung Chuang et. al.
  3. Publish Year: 21 Apr 2022
  4. Review Date: Sat, Aug 27, 2022

Summary of paper



Some key terms


Contrastive learning in single modality data

  1. use multiple augmentations on a single datum to construct positive pairs whose representations are trained to be more similar to one another than negative pairs
    1. e.g., random cropping, color jitter, rotation for vision models
    2. dropout for NLP
  2. Contrastive learning encourages representations to be insensitive to these transformations
    1. i.e. the encoder is trained to be invariant to a set of manually chosen transformations

Limitation of existing contrastive learning data augmentation for language data

Hindsight behind direct augmentation in language


we propose to learn sentence representations that are aware of, but not necessarily invariant to, such direct surface-level augmentations





Meaning of $x_i^+ = x_i$

this means that the sentence that is going to augmented is the original sentence.

They output $h_i^+$ just by using the random dropout layer.

Potential future work

model_bert_trans = DiffCSE("voidism/diffcse-bert-base-uncased-trans")