1. Title: Reward Machines for High Level Task Specification and Decomposition in Reinforcement Learning
  2. Author: Rodrigo Toro Icarte et. al.
  3. Publish Year: PMLR 2018
  4. Review Date: Thu, Aug 17, 2023
  5. url: http://proceedings.mlr.press/v80/icarte18a/icarte18a.pdf

Summary of paper



  • proposing a reward machine while exposing reward function structure to the learner and supporting decomposition.


  • in contrast to hierarchical RL methods which might converge to suboptimal policies. We prove that QRM is guaranteed to converge to an optimal policy in the tabular case.

Some key terms


  • there is less reason to hide the reward function from the agent.
  • this work our method is able to reward behaviours to varying degrees in manners that cannot be expressed by previous approaches.
    • i.e., reward the behaviours in advanced way

reward machine

  • a RM allows for composing different reward functions in flexible ways, including concatenations, loops and conditional rules.
  • after every transition, the reward machine output the reward function the agent should use at that time.
  • the author claim that the structure of RM can give agent knowledge that the problem consists of multiple stages and thus can use the information to decompose the task.

Q-learning for reward machines (QRM)

  • can exploit a reward machine’s internal structure to decompose the problem and thereby improving sample efficiency.
  • it uses q learning to update each sub-task policy in parallel.
  • we show that QRM is guaranteed to converge to an optimal policy in the tabular case.

Bellman equation


Reward machine for task specification

  • The intuition is that the agent will be rewarded by different reward functions at different times, depending on the transitions made in the RM.

definition of reward machine


  • definition of simple reward machine
    • the reward only relies on the internal state of RM rather than the transitions in the world.
  • Limitation
    • the RM has a clear understanding about the when the world state transits to their targeted high-level ones.
    • a ground-truth labelling function
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A posible solution for LRS


  • we need different q functions – meaning different sub policies
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Major comments

  • it is still very challenging to think about how to ground this method to simulated Atari games where there is no prepared labelling function for you.