1. Title: Evaluating Large Language Models Trained on Code
  2. Author: Mark Chen et. al. OPENAI
  3. Publish Year: 14 Jul 2021
  4. Review Date: Mon, Oct 16, 2023
  5. url: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2107.03374.pdf

Summary of paper


  • it is the research paper behind Github Copilot tech
  • more recently, language models have also fueled progress towards the longstanding challenge of program synthesis.


  • we find that repeated sampling from the model is a surprisingly effective strategy for producing working solutions to difficult prompts.


  • difficulty with docstrings describing long chain of operations and with binding operations to variables.

Some key terms


  • a new evaluation set we release to measure functional correctness for synthesizing programs from docstrings.

preliminary test

  • our early investigation of GPT-3 revealed that it could generate simple program from Python docstring.
  • thus we hypothesise that a specialised GPT model, could excel at a variety of coding tasks.

evaluation framework

  • generative models for code are predominantly benchmarked by matching samples against reference solution, where the match can be exact or fuzzy (as in BLEU score)
  • however, Ren et. al. (2020) finds that BLEU has problem capturing semantic features specific to code, and suggests several semantic modification to the score.
  • More fundamentally, match-based metrics are unable to account for the large and complex space of programs functionally equivalent to a reference solution.

functional correctness

  • this is a more suitable evaluation metric compared to match-based one

  • where a sample is considered correct if it passes a set of unit tests



  • they found that surprisingly, they did not observe improvements when starting from a pre-trained language model, possible because the fine-tuning dataset is so large. Nevertheless, models fine-tuned from GPT converge more quickly.

supervised fine-tuning



multiple samples generation and ranking


**back-translation to pick the sample **



  • issue: this heuristic appears to overfit quickly.