1. Title: Can Wikipedia Help Offline Reinforcement Learning
  2. Author: Machel Reid et. al.
  3. Publish Year: Mar 2022
  4. Review Date: Mar 2022

Summary of paper


Fine-tuning reinforcement learning (RL) models has been challenging because of a lack of large scale off-the-shelf datasets as well as high variance in transferability among different environments.

Moreover, when the model is trained from scratch, it suffers from slow convergence speeds

In this paper, they look to take advantage of this formulation of reinforcement learning as sequence modelling and investigate the transferability of pre-trained sequence models on other domains (vision, language) when fine tuned on offline RL tasks (control, games).

How do they do

encouraging similarity between language representations and offline RL input representations

they add one term in the objective named L_cos


this objective wants that each input representation should at least be corresponded to one word. (this is wired…)

but they said that they tested mean pooling and they found out that the model cannot converge.

I is the input (either reward, action or state), E is the word embedding


Some key terms

the zero-shot performance of transformer based language models


offline RL and sequence modelling

offline reinforcement learning (RL) has been seen as analogous to sequence modelling, framed as simply supervised learning to fit return-augmented trajectories in an offline dataset.

offline RL model

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this paper wants to adapt pre-trained language model (from Wikipedia) to offline RL (in continuous control and games)

offline reinforcement learning


in offline RL, the objective remains the same, but has to be optimised with no interactive data collection on a fixed set of trajectory $\tau_i$ $$ \tau = (r_1,s_1,a_1,r_2,s_2,a_2,…,r_N,s_N,a_N) $$

Good things about the paper (one paragraph)

Major comments

Minor comments

decision transformer

In the Abstract it said “recent work has looked at tackling offline RL from the perspective of sequence modelling with improved results as result of the introduction of the Transformer architecture”




I don’t why this is a good way to encourage similarity between language representations and offline RL input representations.

Potential future work

Is there a better way to encourage RL input embedding and word embeddings stay in the same latent space?