1. Title: Decision Transformer: Reinforcement Learning via Sequence Modeling
  2. Author: Lili Chen et. al.
  3. Publish Year: Jun 2021
  4. Review Date: Dec 2021

Summary of paper

The Architecture of Decision Transformer


Inputs are reward, observation and action

Outputs are action, in training time, the future action will be masked out.

I believe this model is able to generate a very good long sequence of actions due to transformer architecture.

But somehow this is not RL anymore because the transformer is not trained by reward signal …

What is the difference between decision transformer and normal RL

there is no more value expectation and argmax over action.

instead, they will provide the model with the reward value we want, and then the transformer output an action that try to obtain the reward as close as the proposed reward $\hat R$

(so no more arg max action, but rather $a \in A, R(a,s) \approx \hat R$)

(NOTE: this is related to upside down RL)

NOTE: can we extend this to goal condition RL ?

off policy RL and training dataset matches transformer architecture

this is the illustration


The full algorithm


Some key terms

recall dynamic programming

in addition to action output, the model should also output the value of the state to estimate the final reward of your strategy.

Later we learn the model using temporal difference learning (TD)


Q learning is on the concept of dynamic programming

What is Key-To-Door game


the author claimed that their transformer model is able to solve tasks with long dependency (i.e., the current action may have big influence in the future state and future reward gain)

This is the similar situation when RL is difficult to solve games that require intensive exploration

Possible Issue

The training dataset may be very significant because the training dataset will eventually model the behaviour of the agent.

The issue would be “how to really let the agent explore by itself”

how to combine the traditional RL to this kind of sequence modelling

Potential future work

Maybe a sequence modelling is quite good to solve IGLU competition because the setting in IGLU is Markov.

(i.e., the action you perform is only dependent on the current state and there should not be very long dependency)