1. Title: Code Llama Open Foundation Model for Code
  2. Author: Baptiste Roziere et. al. META AI
  3. Publish Year: 2023
  4. Review Date: Mon, Oct 16, 2023
  5. url: https://scontent.fmel13-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.2365-6/369856151_1754812304950972_1159666448927483931_n.pdf?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=3c67a6&_nc_ohc=Hcg6QsYJx1wAX_okEZO&_nc_ht=scontent.fmel13-1.fna&oh=00_AfAYtfHJfYeomAQWiMUTRo96iP8d4sZrlIfD_KAeYlYaDQ&oe=6531E8CF

Summary of paper



  • CODE Llama, support for large input contexts, and zero-shot instruction following ability for programming tasks.


  • CODE llama reaches SOTA performance among open models on several code benchmarks


Some key terms

  • By training on domain-specific datasets, LLM have proved effective more broadly on applications that require advanced natural language understanding.

  • A prominent use-case is the formal interaction with computer systems, such as program synthesis from natural language specifications, code completion, debugging, and generating documentation

code-training from foundation models

  • Our comparison (Section 3.4.1) shows that initializing our model with Llama 2 outperforms the same architecture trained on code only for a given budget.



  • code infilling is the task of predicting the missing part of a program given a surrounding context. Applications include code completion at the cursor’s position in code IDEs, type inference and generation of in-code documentation.

instruction fine-tuning



  • CODE LLAMA is trained predominantly on a near-deduplicated dataset of publicly available code.
  • we also source 8% of our sample data from natural language dataset related to code.
  • Preliminary experiments suggested that adding batches sampled from our natural language dataset improves the performance of our models on MBPP.

prefix-suffix-middle (PSM)



  • essentially, fill-in-the-middle(FIM) is implemented such that, with a simple modification to training data and without changing the model architecture, causal docoder-based autoregressive (AR) language models can learn infilling without compromising their normal left-to-right generative capability.


  • instead of human feedback, we use execution feedback to select data to train our instruct model
  • image-20231016040641868

Major comments

NO information about back-translation objective in this paper.