- Title: PDDL Domain Repair Fixing Domains With Incomplete Action Effects
- Author: Alba Gragera et. al.
- Publish Year: ICAPS 2023
- Review Date: Wed, Sep 20, 2023
- url: https://icaps23.icaps-conference.org/demos/papers/2791_paper.pdf
Summary of paper
- in this paper, they present a tool to repair planning models where the effects of some actions are incomplete. The received input is compiled to a new extended planning task, in which actions are permitted to insert possible missing effects. The solution is a plan that achieves the goals of the original problem while also alerting users of the modification made.
- essentially it is a search algorithms helps to make the PDDL domain valid
- there is a ground truth action plan, though the domain action definition is broken.
- the program will search how to maintain the action plan while repairing the domain model
- they actually design a PDDL domain and problem model for doing this search
- they are close sourced.