1. Title: Framer: Planning Models From Natural Language Action Descriptions
  2. Author: Alan Lindsay et. al.
  3. Publish Year: 2017
  4. Review Date: Thu, Mar 9, 2023
  5. url: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/322329049.pdf

Summary of paper



Some key terms


  1. we start from NL descriptions of actions and use NL analysis to construct structured representation, from which we construct formal representations of action sequences
    1. ? only action sequence? what about the environment
  2. the generated action sequence provide the necessary structured input for inducing a PDDL domain, using domain model acquisition technology.
  3. we use an estimate of functional similarity, so sentences that describe similar behaviour are represented by the same planning operator.

problem modelling

  1. Modelling problems appropriately for use by a computer program has been identified as a key bottleneck in the exploitation of various AI technology.
  2. in Automated Planning, this has inspired a growing body of work that aims to support the modelling process including domain acquisition tools.


PDDL versions

Domain Model acquisition tool LOCM2

Potential future work