- Title: Prioritised Experience Replay
- Author: Neuralnet.ai
- Publish Year: 25 Feb, 2016
- Review Date: Thu, Jun 2, 2022
Replay memory is essential in RL
Replay memory has been successfully deployed in both value based and policy gradient based reinforcement learning algorithms, to great success. The reasons for this success cut right to the heart of reinforcement learning. In particular, replay memory simultaneously solves two outstanding problems with the field.
- we shuffle the dataset and sample historic experience at random, we can obtain independent and uncorrelated inputs, which is important for deep neural network training. This is precisely what underpins the Markov property of the system. (In probability theory and statistics, the term Markov property refers to the memoryless property of a stochastic process.)
- we revisited and make attention to the historic experience with the hope that the agent learns something generalisable.
Improvement Direction
we can improve on how we sample the agent’s memories. The default is to simply sample them at random, which works, but leaves much to be desired.
Input aliasing to be improved
One issue that can be improved upon is that neural networks introduce a sort of aliasing into the problem.
- Images that may be completely distinct from a human perspective could very well turn out to be nearly identical to the neural network. (i.e., the semantic meaning is completely different for a little bit changes in visuals). And this is a sort of aliasing of the input
So the question become “would the agent learn more from sampling totally distinct experiences”
- possible solution: introduce the idea of priority. We can assign some sort of priority to our memories, and then sample them according to that priority. A natural candidate for this priority is the temporal difference error.
- so the idea is: we prioritise learning on the things we don’t understand
$$ \delta_t = r_t + \gamma Q_{target}(S_{t+1}, argmax_a Q(S_{t+1}, a)) - Q(S_t, a_t) $$
- drawback: this only really holds in the case that the rewards from the environment aren’t particularly noisy.
- For “hard lessons”, these TD errors shrink slowly over time. This means that the agent is bound to sample the same memories over and over, which leads to overfitting.